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Penny stock egghead

Penny stock egghead.Even if you’ve never traded a stock in your entire life, I’m going to show you that you’re potentially just one trade a week away from life-changing wealth.
…chump change like $1,000 can turn into a golden parachute worth $5.7 million, thanks to Wall Street’s best-kept secret…

Bought and sold for less than $5 a share on well-known stock exchanges like the NASDAQ and the NYSE…

…these publicly traded small-companies are famously lucrative yet notoriously risky investments.


Penny stocks that pass my “gauntlet” of analytical obstacles can quickly accelerate in value… leaving the stalled returns from “safe” blue-chip companies to choke on fumes.

 “The Penny Stock Egghead.”

The decade-long implosion of The S&P 500 — the index that tracks the performance of expensive “blue-chip” stocks like Coca-Cola Co. and Dell — has pulverized a mind-boggling $9.6 trillion dollars of investor wealth into worthless rubble!

On average, every dollar invested in “large-cap” stocks… the household name companies you always assume will be solid investments… didn’t grow a dime. www.pennystockegghead.com

That’s right… these stocks didn’t increase in value at all.

Sure… it blows the minds of their friends and family… but these ordinary investors even shock themselves.

Because they take action even though most stock market jargon flies straight over their heads.

Instant investment income, and a growing nest-egg that can support every wish they have for their family’s future.

Every… single… wish.


Because since April 2000 the value of the S&P 600, the index that tracks small-cap “penny stock” companies, has roared up 117%!

…pricey household-name stocks destroyed $9.6 trillion dollars of hard-earned wealth.

Yet, unknown to most investors…

Jaw-dropping profits have been secretly flowing from penny stocks for decades.

Investing historian, Tom Gardner, states that small-cap stocks, “…have substantially outperformed the overall market over the past 40 years.”

Great question with an easy answer.

Penny stocks remain Wall Street’s most forgotten wealth-creator because they are too “small” for the big investment banks to bother with.

Investment banks could, in theory, buy millions of penny stock shares at once. However, if they did a problem would arise.

Their big order would skyrocket the share price, stealing their potential profits.

That’s why the big banks are perennial wallflowers at this secret profit-party.

No wonder so few people know about penny stocks or take advantage of their dizzying ascents in price.


Early investors in these Wall Street darlings live high off the hog, financially set for the rest of their lives.

But only because they acted before the investing masses jumped on… and shot the share price from dirt-cheap to downright extortion!

Penny stocks, however, have math firmly on their side when it comes to lightning fast gains…

Don’t fall asleep as I tell you this, but AXTG develops patented fluorescent lighting technologies that save hospitals and schools tremendous energy costs.

that “ace” what my subscribers fondly call
“Gold’s Gauntlet”…

…the proprietary “numbers grinder” that
I insist every penny stock survive before it even
becomes a candidate for intense review.

I’m a card-carrying “numbers nerd.”

I’m that dorky guy in school you used to sneak answers off during brain-frying calculus exams.

Only now you get to ethically steal all my investing answers without visiting the Principle’s office.

So even though my picks have people urging me to be more of a public figure in the penny stock world…

…I’ve decided to shun the spotlight and save my mental energy for what I excel at: locating penny stocks about to shoot skywards!

With my subscriber’s profits at the very top of my mind, I fiercely protect my research time…

…it’s why I've gone to the somewhat extreme length of adopting the pen name “Nathan Gold.”

Speaking of which, it’s time you discover…

Before we see how this amazing “trade wave” plays out… let’s first address what we’re both thinking?

The chance of stringing these trades together (and snowballing every dollar of profit forward) would be like filling out a 100% accurate March Madness office pool.

Well… so you get a taste of the full potential of receiving my One-Trade-A-Week penny picks.